19. januar 2022

What if.., hørte jeg på innsiden, mens jeg stod på kjøkkenet. Jeg forstod raskt at det var ord som ville igjennom, og jeg fant frem telefonen og skrev så raskt jeg kunne, for å få med meg det som ble formidlet fra innsiden.

Ordene kom på engelsk, slik de ofte gjør, selv om engelsk ikke er min sterkeste side, så skrev jeg ned etter beste evne.

Jeg ble bedt om å dele dette med deg.
Åpne hjertet og lytt til sjelen din mens du leser – legg merke til energien i budskapet, det er det som er det viktigste. Åpne hjertet og ta imot, kjenn hvordan det resonerer på innsiden.


«What if the life you have lived so far,
never will be The same?
The Energy is shifting,
and it can feel scary to step into
the New unknown territory of life.

But something deep inside you
have been waiting for this.
The new to rise from within.
Like a seed that has been waiting to
break through the surface.
A seed that was planted millions of years ago.
You don’t remember, but your soul does.

This is a part of a larger plan.
A greater expansion
of the consciousness on earth.
A greater awakening of the Heart.

Maybe you can not see this yet,
but everything that happens now
is part of a larger plan – a part of the expansion.

We would not change
if thing was too comfortable.
We often need to feel triggered
to take new unknown steps,
to break out of old habits
that do not serve us anymore.
The old is so comfortable – and the new is so scary.

But what if – it is the opposite way?
What if – when you are looking back 5 or 10 years from now, you are thinking
  – this was the most important thing that happend to us?
This was the important shift that had to come – and wake us all up,
before it was too late to break out – from the path that had led to a much darker future.

What if this was a gift sent from above – but you can not see it yet?

How would your life have be different today if this were true?

We can choose today what we want to believe in, and what focus we want.

We don’t know what tomorrow will bring, or what gifts today will bring to us.
All we know is here and now.

Who do you want to be?
What do you want to believe in?
What do you want to do and why?

Does this resonat with the love in your Heart and the energy of your Soul?
Is this connected with who you want to be?

Or does this come from fear, something that scares you – a memory from within or something that caught your attention outside of you?

Living in this world at this time challenges us
to have focus,
to be present in ourselves, not to be caught
by the outside world and the game of drama and separation.

Only you and your Soul knows what’s the right path for you.
Trust your instincts.
Have faith and choose wisely.
It’s your life, which is unfolding from within – a unique seed of consciousness in union with other unique souls’ travelling at the same time.

The timelines are shifting – a new reality is emerges from the centre of creation.
Listen and you will understand and remember your part in this.

We are heading for a new time, a new frequency of Unity on earth, and you are a part of this!

Shine your light bright and have faith!»

Love from
(Denne teksten er opprinnelig fra 19.1.2022, men den er like aktuell nå som da.)

«Remember who you are – and why you are here.»
In To The Flow